White Runtz
Devine’s Memes say it all
Availability: in stock
Type: Hybrid
(Gelato) x (Zkittlez)
Batch Id: 31.387%
Total Cannabinoids: 32.040%
Total THC: 31.387%
Weights: Eighth Ounce, One Ounce, Sixteenth Ounce, Shake Eighth


Zen Labs


Indoor controlled environment w/ co2 and LED lights. Grown in rockwool using drip irrigation.


(Gelato) x (Zkittlez)


Wet-trimmed by hand. Dried and cured using Live Cure process


Thin, curious pistils peeking out from low profile calyx structures in tightly formed clusters. The well formed dense buds are a pleasure to break down by hand just like a piece of broccoli.

Tasting Notes:

This flower has a candied banana flavor with a full-bodied mouth-feel on taste resulting in a creamy heavy smoke.

Bud Size:

4-7 Buds per 1/8

Genetics TAG CLOUD