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Availability: in stock
Type: Hybrid
(GG4) x (Animal Cookies)
Batch Id: 20220420-Z
Total Cannabinoids: 31.092%
Total THC: 30.124%
Weights: Eighth Ounce, One Ounce, Sixteenth Ounce, Shake Eighth


Cathedral Green


Indoor controlled environment w/ co2 and DE HPS lights. Grown in rockwool using drip irrigation


(GG4) x (Animal Cookies)


Wet-trimmed by hand. Dried and cured using Live Cure process


Conical buds with bulbous calyxes lightly brushed with a violet-grey hue, and rich purple-black sugar leaves. Dancing throughout the landscape are lush rust colored pistils that appear braided.

Tasting Notes:

It smells like boozy berry cake – it has a caramelized berry nose with a rich solvent-sweet finish. Imagine if you suspect the bakery next door has a gas leak.

Bud Size:

4-7 Buds per 1/8

Genetics TAG CLOUD