"Mendo Breath Live Cured Flower Cultivar Profile"
Mendo Breath
Savory Flavory Aroma
Availability: out of stock
Type: Hybrid
(OG Kush Breath) + (Mendo Montage)
Batch Id: 20210512-MB2
Total Cannabinoids: 26.761%
Total THC: 22.377%
Weights: Eighth Ounce, One Ounce, Sixteenth Ounce, Shake Eighth


Cathedral Green and clones from Zen Leaf.


Indoor controlled environment with CO2 enrichment and DE HPS lighting. Grown in rockwool using drip irrigation.


(OG Kush Breath) + (Mendo Montage)


Wet-trimmed by hand. Dried and cured using Live Cure process


Large colas with arrowhead calyxes and fox-tail structure. Flower buds are verdant green with purple hues on areas exposed to light and have red-orange pistils. Buds are densely covered in trichomes.

Tasting Notes:

Sweet vanilla aroma with a bitter-hazelnut fuel finish.

Bud Size:

Genetics TAG CLOUD