"The entourage effect"

The Entourage Effect

I thought we’d start out the week by covering the entourage effect. Which is a topic I think more people are becoming aware of. 

The entourage effect is a phenomenon found in the cannabis plant. It refers to the synergistic interactions that happen between these compounds, resulting in enhanced effects when they are used together, as opposed to when they are used individually.

With cannabis, the entourage effect is mostly associated with the interaction between cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, and other natural compounds found in the plant, such as terpenes and flavonoids. These friends work together to produce a more robust and varied therapeutic effect than any one of them would produce alone. Which leads me to say, full spectrum products are more enjoyable in my opinion.

Terpenes, for example, are aromatic compounds that give cannabis its distinct smell and flavor. They have also been believed to have therapeutic effects of their own, including anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-cancer properties. When combined with cannabinoids, terpenes can enhance their effects and even modify their pharmacological properties. Look back on our Terpenes 101 and Terpenes in Cannabis blog posts for more information about terpenes…

Flavonoids, another group of natural compounds found in cannabis, have also been shown to have therapeutic potential. Some flavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. We’ll cover this topic in another blog post.

The entourage effect is believed to be the reason why full-spectrum cannabis products, which contain a variety of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, are often considered more effective than isolated compounds, such as pure THC or CBD. By working together, these compounds create a more diverse and potent therapeutic profile, providing users with a broader range of benefits and enjoyment.

The entourage effect describes the way that multiple compounds in natural products like cannabis can work together to enhance therapeutic effects beyond what they could achieve individually. Understanding this phenomenon can help researchers develop more effective and targeted treatments using cannabis.

So try more full spectrum products in including our Live Cured Flower and experience it for yourself!!

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