A cannagar, short for cannabis cigar, is a high-end cannabis product that resembles a traditional cigar. It is crafted by tightly compacting ground cannabis flower into a cylinder shape, usually using cannabis or tobacco leaves as the outer wrapper. Cannagars are known for their craftsmanship and the use of premium ingredients. They’re not typically found on the regulated market so it’s best to buy a mold and make them yourself.

When I first saw a cannagar it was at a sesh back during Prop 215. I had never seen such a perfectly made and slow burning cannabis cigar before. Back then I would see folks making them using small plastic or wooden molds that they would pack flower into and then wrap tightly with hemp cord.
Flash forward to today and I’m still smoking cannagars. I even picked up a mold that I use to make my own. The company that makes the mold is Cannagar Solutions. After doing a lot of research they seemed like the best company that makes molds. Their site says:
“Cannagar Solutions has elevated the practice of wrapping compressed herbs to a fine science. The commercial-grade aluminum is nearly unbreakable, enabling superior pressure application and tightens together with metal bolts, creating a perfect and seamless seal. Notches in the bottom of the mold secure a bamboo skewer in place for creating a centered air channel. The aluminum ramrod features a round pommel handle for maximum user comfort as our custom hollow tips fit onto the skewer as you compress your cigar or cannagar. Clean & efficient, easy to use and made to last!”

Cannagar Solutions provides a handy chart so you can approximate how much flower is going into each one.

We made a 5″ 32 gauge cannagar for demonstration.

Here are some key features and characteristics of cannagars:
Core Material: The core of a cannagar consists of tightly packed ground cannabis flower. Some cannagars incorporate concentrates such as hash to enhance potency and flavor. I typically use hash and sometimes our live resin.
Wrapper: The core is then encased in a natural leaf, typically cannabis fan leaves or if not being sold in a dispensary, tobacco leaves. I’ve even wrapped them in RAW papers too as you can see. The wrapper serves as a protective layer and also gives the cannagar its cigar-like appearance and slow burn.
Size and Shape: Cannagars come in various sizes and shapes, ranging from thin and slender to larger, more robust forms. As you can see from the photos the mold is 5” long and the different gauges determine how much cannabis you can fit into it. We put about 7.5 grams into the 32 gauge chamber.
Handcrafted: Cannagars are often handcrafted by skilled artisan stoners. The process requires expertise to ensure an even burn and a tightly packed structure. It’s easy to learn how to make them but it takes a lifetime to master.
Cannagars are they way to go if you’re looking for a super premium slow burming experience. I love them, and I highly recommend you try one!
If you’re interested in picking up a mold from Cannagar Solutions you can go to their website, and use Promo Code: Curatedcannabis. You’ll get 10% off for speding $100. Totally worth it if you want a top of the line cannagar mold.
Stay stoned and stay safe